

Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

Toronto real estate signs: Is now the time to buy? SS By Star Staff Wed., May 27, 2020timer1 min. read If you look at any of the numbers, the Greater Toronto Area’s real estate market is in free fall. New homes sales were down by 69 per cent, and several conflicting forecasts say prices could go up 7 per cent or potentially fall 18 per cent. COVID-19 has done what seemed impossible by actually cooling Toronto’s white hot market down, in what is usually ....


TORONTO, ONTARIO, October 27, 2022 – Following the ownership market as a whole, Q3 2022condominium apartment sales were off by approximately 46 per cent compared to Q3 2021. Despitethere being substantially more balance in the market in the third quarter relative to a year earlier, theaverage selling price was up year-over-year, albeit by less than the current pace of inflation.There were 4,177 condo apartment sales reported through TRREB’s MLS® System in Q3 2022compared to 7,795....

CMHC Reviews Underwriting Criteria

CMHC Reviews Underwriting Criteria Ottawa, June 4, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all sectors of Canada’s economy, including housing. Job losses, business closures and a drop in immigration are adversely impacting Canada’s housing markets, and CMHC foresees a 9% to 18% decrease in house prices over the next 12 months. In order to protect future home buyers and reduce risk, CMHC is changing its underwriting policies for insured mortgag....

First-time homebuyers seeing advantages of purchasing during pandemic

First-time homebuyers seeing advantages of purchasing during pandemic Kelsey Pudloski May 28, 2020 Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash Wary investors are fleeing the real estate market, creating opportunities for first-time buyers who now face less competition. The share of first-time buyers reached 36 percent in April, up from 32 percent during the same period last year, according to a new survey by the National Association of REALTORS.....